Monday, July 19, 2010

Love& Gratitude

Just wanted to give you a little insight to what it means when I say "Love & Gratitude" to you every morning. The following is part of a term paper I recently wrote for school:

The state of being in Love and Gratitude is the most fundamental to all beings. As we are Source made manifest, we are Love. As we are made manifest to experience ourselves, we are Grateful. It is the elemental core of all things. It is in fact the source-point of creation even through the denseness of matter. If you hold the vibration of Love and Gratitude while viewing anything, you will see Source, or God, or whatever you choose to call the unyielding, ever-present energy that creates and makes up all things. The connection to all, compassion for all, and the intangible freedom that comes with awareness and appreciation for all is found in this state. This is the state in which all things are made manifest. As you sustain this vibration in your awareness you understand the abundance that surrounds you. The unlimited possibilities are called forth from this state as you realize all things are with and part of you; you simply call them into being.

Choosing to take the extra steps to show love and gratitude in what only looks to be an unthankful world is a main key to attaining joy. Keeping a journal or archive of positive stories reminds and encourages us to be an expression of love ourselves and that the over-all heart of mankind is good. Directing our thoughts on what we have, not on what we do not, refocuses our priorities in a positive way. Our choosing of love over fear continues the awareness, brightening and expanding of our true divine nature. This includes being consistent in offering blessings for what we receive and give, including our food and water. Expressing love and gratitude satisfies our deep sense of purpose, so no matter what is perceived outwardly, true happiness can be sustained by the personal choice of love, and with that we can choose to be grateful every day, which in itself is something of which we can be truly thankful.

What you choose to do from this point of view is your choice . . . your free will.

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